Dear Mrs. Vasileva,

Powerless are the words with which to describe the joy of that I was able to finish my education, what I wanted to accomplish, starting from the lowest rung of society. I owe it only to you, the Public Fund “Detstvo” and your friends from the Bulgarian American Society in the city of Washington.

All these years I was calm and I had good social contacts through your moral and financial support.

There is nothing better than knowing you’re not alone in this hard enough and full of difficult personal and professional life, even for children with their own families. I had no one, but I knew that there are people who support me and in difficult moments I can rely on their humanity and cordiality.

You, the Public Fund “Detstvo”, and the people who support you from Bulgarian-American Society in the city of Washington gave me the truest, most importantly, most meaningful thing in life that gives me and will give me the opportunity to build life in a promising direction to create conditions of my soul to live fully.

I have no words to describe my gratitude to you and really pray for it one day other kids like me get that support searching for the meaning of life. Difficulties encountered by the child institution are many, but I got all I needed. Received your help of head start, I got what gets each child with their own family.

Thank you for giving me a second life.

With respect,
Krum Kostadinov Sarlov
Student of Trakia University in the town of Stara Zagora


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